Category: Uncategorized
Gift Guide: Mother's Day
May 2, 2019

It goes without saying that everything mothers do for their kids – from the sleepless nights to the birthday parties to the diaper changes – is done out of love. That being said, it definitely doesn’t hurt to get spoiled once in a while (especially when you’re running on zero sleep and your kid is having their fifth tantrum of the day). So, this one’s for all the mama’s out there!
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect excuse to show some extra appreciation for the moms in your life. While homemade breakfast in bed will always be a winner in our books, we thought we’d share our top Mother’s Day gift picks (wink, wink).
When possible, we love to give experiential gifts. Our #1 pick for Mother’s Day would be a gift card for professional family photos – there’s nothing cuter than photos of your kids and you’ll get to enjoy them for years to come. If you live in Toronto, we highly recommend The Robins Nest – the studio is adorable and Kayla is so talented! On the other hand, we’re also big fans of wine subscriptions – which we think most moms would agree is self explanatory. We’ve heard great things about Wine Collective and Wine Club.
For more inspiration, check out our Mother’s Day Gift Guide below.
These gifts are sure to make your mom (or wife, sister, grandma, friend, or yourself!) feel extra pampered and loved well beyond May 12 – because really, shouldn’t every day feel like Mother’s Day!?
Before + After: Project Melrose Master Bath
April 24, 2019

When we shared before and after photos of the Project Melrose Master Bath on Instagram, we got more than a few comments from followers who couldn’t believe that it was the same room in both shots. We take that as the ultimate compliment, since the “before” master bath looked and felt outdated and disorganized. It screamed 1990’s – complete with a corner tub, block glass windows, and shiny gold hardware.
Trend: Entry Mats for Spring
April 18, 2019

After what has felt like a year-long winter, the non-stop rain in the forecast is a welcomed change and a clear indication that it’s finally spring. Spring’s arrival has a way of making us want to hit the reset button and refresh our homes – whether it’s buying new plants, swapping out winter linens, or Marie Kondo-ing our closets (guess they call it “spring cleaning” for a reason).
Instagram Q&A: March
March 8, 2019

Earlier this week we hosted another Q&A on our Instagram stories. We love hearing from you – it gives us a chance to look back on our projects and tune in to what details made an impact. We’re all about sharing design advice, so keep reading to see some of the questions and find out our answers!